Friday, March 20, 2009

The dog next door

I don't understand the Labradoodle next door. Actually, she lives behind us. A fence separates her yard from my woods. She comes outside and always trots over whenever she sees me outside. Then she stops about six feet from the fence and sits down.

Why doesn't she come up to the fence to greet me? 

She paces back and forth sometimes. Once, when the snow was over two feet deep she very...carefully... put one paw in front of the other...stopped... put another paw out, kept looking at the ground, and slowly...made her way to the fence.

We touched noses. We turned around and sniffed rear ends. We played all day running along the fence, stopping to sniff, then running some more. What fun!

The snow melted and she never ventures near my fence. She acts like she is afraid of the fence. My fence is just a wire fence - the kind you can see through. Deer fencing, Mom calls it. There are big squares about four inches wide in the wire.  There is plenty of room to stick your nose through and do a proper greeting, but my next door neighbor never comes close to the fence.

Mom says my friend doesn't come near my fence because the Labradoodle has an invisible fence that is about a foot away from my wire fence, but I know there is no such thing as an invisible fence. After all, I'm a Doberman and too smart to believe in invisible fences. 

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