Saturday, February 21, 2009

Ice, ice, ice

My backyard is nothing but solid ice. Ice makes running for frisbees hard. Mom is afraid if I run on the ice I'll get hurt, but I have lots of energy that I need to get rid of so I want to run.

Not only is Mom afraid of me getting hurt on the ice, she is afraid she'll fall on the ice. She comes down the stairs with slow, deliberate steps, clutching the rail. She is the alpha dog and I have to follow her. I want to dash in front of her, but no, she makes me stay behind.

Once on solid ground I run in circles but the circles have to be large because I need a lot of room to stop. With a big circle I can turn without getting my long legs all tied up and falling. I did fall once. My legs crumbled under me. Down I went. I slid fifteen feet before I hit the edge of the woods. Frozen pine needles stopped my momentum.

Balls don't bounce on ice they glide across the frozen snow. You can't practice agility on frozen snow. Mom says it is too cold to do obedience outside. (I hate the sit command on frozen snow.)

Winter. Snow falling is fun the first time it happens. I stood in the middle of the backyard staring at the falling white flecks in the moonlight, snapping and trying to catch each flake.

Snow was fun in December. Today is February 20. Snow melted and froze and now the backyard is hard. I can't run and I can't play. Snow isn't fun anymore.

The snow can go away now.

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