Thursday, September 27, 2012

Smelly socks and ham

The air was crisp today - perfect for learning to find stuff.

Mom started the game. First she went out to the center of the lawn and stopped around in a circle. I stayed in the sit position but boy, was I curious. 

I whined. Softly, but she heard.

I could tell by the way she turned to look at me and raised her finger to her lips for no noise.

She kept stomping, turning in a circle. 

She'd never done that before, but I stayed sitting because I had gotten a whiff of the ham in her pocket.

Sure enough, she dropped something in the circle then walked back to where I sat.

I waited for her to let me out of the sit so I could go inspect the ground. The ham scent was so strong on her fingers I began to salivate. (Well, I hadn't had ham in a long time - at least a couple of days.)

Mom made me sit a while before she said, "Okay, Alma, go find."

I had no idea what "go find" meant but I ran over to the where Mom and dropped the ham. Four pieces. 
I ate them up and turned to see if she had more.


Oh, good. Now I'd get the ham.

First came pets. Nice, but I wanted the ham.

She made me go back and sit on the patio again.

Then she did the stopping thing in another part of the yard. She took a step and dropped the ham where she had stepped. As soon as she dropped the ham and started to walk toward me I stood up ready to go eat.


Busted. I had to wait for her to come back to me.

Again we made that eye contact thing she is so big into and then she said what I was waiting to hear, "Go find."

I went straight to the ham.

She came and made me sit again. Really, she could just give me all the ham. I already had this game figured out and it was a bit silly. I mean I could see her dropping the ham in the circle.

Then, she changed the game up. This time she went into the woods. When she came back she stuck a smelly sock into my face that smelled of her sweat and ham. 

"Go find."

Now this was a bit confusing. How could she lose what was in her hand? I ignored her silly command and ran towards the woods to look for the ham.

I stopped. I couldn't smell the ham. I could smell where Mom had walked so I put my nose to the ground and followed her scent down the path until I came to another dirty sock, strong with Mom's scent. I grabbed the sock and ran toward Mom who gave me lots of praise but made me walk back with that dirty sock in my mouth to where I'd found it.


I dropped the sock and sat and that is when I got my ham.

Now I have no idea why I had to drop that sock but I soon learned that if I found the sock and sat beside it I got the ham faster. If I tried to bring the sock to Mom she made me carry the dirty sock back to where I found it, drop it on the ground and then bark. Then I got my ham.

Mom thought she'd get tricky with hiding the sock. She went into the side yard, deeper in the woods where I couldn't see, but she didn't know that this game was easy. 

All I had to do was follow Mom's scent to find the ham. 

It was almost like taking candy from a baby, although I tried that once and got no treats at all.

Tracking Mom around the woods is much more fun.

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