Wednesday, December 31, 2008

Doberman Safe

This is the story of how Doberman Safe came into existence.

Look at her...
Looks innocent doesn't she? She's three months old here. Curious. Intelligent. Athletic. And she possesses an insatiable urge to chew.

She found the iPhone. A month after I bought it. I had waited years for an iPhone after suffering through a variety of cheap cell phones. I resisted getting an iPod telling everyone I was waiting for Apple to include a phone.

When Apple finally did put a phone in the iPod there were other things my family needed more than an iPhone. So I waited some more. Finally I bought an iPhone. And then I bought Alma, my third Doberman. 

Very few things are Doberman-proof. Luckily, the iPhone was not in the leather case when Alma found it on top of the kitchen counter. 

Alma is teaching me what is not Doberman Safe. Here is the first thing on the list:
  • leather iPhone case
I drove down to the Apple Store and asked for an iPhone case that a Doberman could not destroy. The sales guy was great. He laughed and said, "You know that would make a great web site: Things Dobermans can't destroy."

I agreed. And so I'm launching

Got a great Doberman-proof story? Found a product that a Doberman can't destroy? Want to share a story about your Doberman did destroy? (I have a feeling there will be more of those...) Well, you've found the right spot!

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