Tuesday, February 8, 2011

A Dobe in Massachusetts

I heard once that there are places where Dobermans can go outside and play whenever they want. There are places were the sun shines almost every day. There are places where there is no snow.

I don't live in one of those places. I doubt they exist.

We have snow in Massachusetts right now. We have lots of snow. We have snow piles that are taller than my owner and she is really tall.

The snow is so high my mom had to shovel a trail for me through the woods. The snow is so high that when I go through the trench she made you can only see my head bobbing up and down over the snow banks.

We go on walks but have to be careful because the trees are covered in snow wrapped in ice. When the sun does break through, the ice sparkles. At night when there are no clouds and the moon is shining the ice on the snow looks like it is sprinkled with diamonds.

It is cold when there is snow, but I found a warm spot in the woods. A half circle of small pines bend to the ground from snow in their branches. The ice encased the snow holding the branches and the wind blew snow in a big drift on top of the bent pines. The snow formed a half circle with an opening that faces south. In the middle of the day, the sun shines on the spot. When I hide there I'm protected from the cold wind.

The sun hits my dark reddish-brown fur. I close my eyes. I am warm.

For a few minutes I'm in that place where there is no snow and no cold.

Then Mom calls for me to come and I stand, stretch and run fast as I can because I know there is a treat waiting and a warm bed in front of a blazing fire in the hearth.